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Change the Way You Stay Connected to the World With Lucyd Bluetooth Sunglasses
Lucyd Lyte Bluetooth Sunglasses are the PERFECT GIFT! Love my Lucyd Lyte Bluetooth Sunglasses. I think we all have become accustomed to always...
The Subtle Art of Stylishly Wearing Sunglasses
Between 80 to 90 percent of the country's population wears sunglasses. With those kinds of numbers, you'd think everyone would...
A Look at The World’s Lightest Smart Eyewear
Smart glasses are a great productivity tool that can keep you connected to friends, associates, and family members. You can...
Are Audio Sunglasses Worth it?
This year, so many consumers have learned the joy of busting out of the front door and straight into the...
Summer Travel With Lycyd Lyte Bluetooth Sunglasses
From Guest Writer, John Andrews, Shopper Marketer | 2X Founder/Co-founder & Advisor The summer family vacation is back! After a summer...
Ted’s Bluetooth Sunglasses Memorial Day Weekend Special!
Guest post from Ted Rubin Hey everyone, don't know about you but I can't believe it's already Memorial Day Weekend 2021......
A Traveling GenX’er Enjoying the Bluetooth Glasses Experience
Guest post from Michael Fraser I’m just a 70’s kid pushing 50 that has always loved to travel. Meeting new...
Beach Walking with Ted Rubin and Lucyd Lytes Bluetooth Glasses
Ted Rubin is a leading Social Marketing Strategist, Author, Speaker, Provocateur… Photofy CMO and sits on various Advisory Boards. We...