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Affordable Tech Gifts For That Techie That Has Everything
AirPods Totally Maxed Out... Apple is a master of product management and hype. It shrewdly dropped its latest product, the...
Lucyd Lyte Audio Glasses vs Bose Frames Tenor Comparison Review by Dave Taylor
Originally published at Ask Dave Taylor Sunglasses with Built-in Speakers? Introducing The Lucyd Lyte If you’re not a fan of...
The Benefits of Bluetooth Sunglasses: 8 Cool Things You Can Do With Open-Ear Audio Sunglasses
‘Open-ear listening’ is becoming increasingly popular as people seek to be more connected with their environment, and as wearable technology...
Open Ear Listening: A Connected Audio Experience
Headphones can be isolating, Smart Glasses offer a new option Bluetooth headphone usage has exploded over the past few years...