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The Style of Glasses Through the Ages

Glasses have been around since the 13th century, and styles have had plenty of time to change. Paired with our ever-evolving and creative world, you can bet that there have been some super cool styles through the ages. 

From cat-eyed to oversized, round to square, we’ve seen it all, and we’ve loved it all. Of course, it’s important to find the right glasses for your face shape and personal style. But you can’t go wrong getting a little inspiration from the past. So here are the best glasses styles we’ve seen through the years.

  • Cat Eye Glasses

This iconic style has recently made a comeback, but originally emerged in the 30s. By the 50s, the dramatic feline shape of these glasses were extremely popular. Even now we identify them with movie stars and the ultra-fabulous folk of the 50s. So if you’re looking for a feminine, bold pair of glasses, you cannot go wrong with the cat eye.

  • Teardrop Aviators

These stylish sunglasses were developed in the second World War for US military pilots. They have the useful ability to block more light from the bottom, making them ideal for their intended use. This also makes them ideal for looking great and increasing their lucky wearers confidence. While teardrop aviators have a slightly masculine shape, they look great on most faces, and should definitely be given a try if you’re looking for a time-tested look.

The Style of Glasses Through the Ages

  • Round Glasses

In both prescription and sunglasses, a round frame is a style that will never go out of fashion. Technically, this style has been around for just about as long as glasses themselves have. After all, even the monicle was a round glass. It was the 20th century, however, that really brought this style into the spotlight. Musicians like John Lennon and Ozzy Osborne showed just how cool they could look, and Harry Potter hammered it home.

  • Oversized Glasses

Another style that is reminiscent of movie stars is the oversized glasses of the 60s. These became popular after they were worn by Jackie Kennedy, and everyone rushed to mimic her gorgeous look. They returned to the fashion circuit in the 2010s through stars like Paris Hilton, but do not enjoy that same popularity today. We’re secretly hoping that someone fabulous brings them back into fashion.

  • Browline Glasses

These attractive glasses were invented in the late 40s, and had become one of the most worn glasses by the 50s. With the bold top of the glasses resembling a strong brow, these glasses make statement, and look great on just about anyone. Which is probably why Malcom X owned multiple pairs, in different colors. 

  • Square Glasses

This sporty look was popularized by the boybands that took the world by storm in the 60s. They continue to be popular today because of their ability to suit just about any face, and because their relatively thick frames allow people to wear different colors and patterns. Whether you’re looking for round glasses or sunglasses, you’re sure to look great, whether heading to the beach, reading a book, or going on a strenuous hike.

The Style of Glasses Through the Ages

  • Wayfarer Glasses

Similar to the square glasses mentioned above, Wayfarers differentiate themselves through a slightly rounded lower half, and were made famous in the 50s and 60s. One look at Tom Cruise in Risky Business and you won’t have to wonder why. These frames are also great because they suit a wide variety of face shapes, making them a great go-to pair.

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