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Harrison Gross Joins STILYO and talks ReConvert & Marketing Lucyd in the Bluetooth Glasses Space

Harrison Gross Joins STILYO and talks ReConvert & Marketing Lucyd in the Bluetooth Glasses Space

ReConvert Case Study: Ruth Even Haim, from the StilyoApps Team interviews Harrison Gross, CEO of Lucyd Eyewear and discusses ReConvert, Shopify, Amazon, and all other aspects of marketing the new Lucyd Lytes




Ruth Even Haim: All right. Hello, everyone. Welcome back to the StilyoApps channel. I am Ruth. Today I am joined by Harrison Gross, the founder and CEO of Lucyd, a smart wearable eyewear brand, which to be honest, I've had a look at the store and it looks really cool, but we want to talk about it some more pretty soon. So first of all, Harrison, thank you for joining me today.

Harrison Gross: Yeah, absolutely. Glad to be here.

Ruth Even Haim: Awesome. So I think just to get started, let's jump in with you just telling us a little bit about the journey of creating Lucyd, where the idea came from and what made you decide to actually start this business.

Harrison Gross: So basically, I was working in an IP incubator that used the university technology to create interesting startups and Lucyd was one of those startups. Basically, three years ago, we started. We looked at the smart eyewear market. We saw it was a cool emerging space, but there were really no successful products in terms of mainstream adoption or mainstream use by prescription eyeglass wearers, which is something that we've really been focusing on. Basically, our goal is to add tech features, useful tech features to prescription eyeglasses. The focus has been all over the place in the smart glass space. The focus is usually on feature, overloading with virtual displays and all these other complicated technologies that basically make for an uncomfortable pair of glasses.

So our goal is to create a comfortable, user-friendly, smart eyewear product that is fully prescription-compatible, but also suitable as your go-to all day glasses. Because you see most of the smart eyewear products out there, the VR helmets, the thicker smart glasses, they're not really suitable to be your glasses that you wear to work or school. They're still a sort of gimmicky gadgets. They're for early adopters and they're sort of testing out that these concepts of AR and the things, whereas our product is for the here and now, for people that wear glasses all day every day, or wear sunglasses frequently. Basically, we're offering them an affordable product that has all these great Bluetooth features in it, while also correcting their vision and an ergonomic and comfortable product, which is also matches the price of regular eyewear. We only charge 150 for our frames and we only charge 35 to add a basic prescription. So it really comes out to the same price as what you'd pay going into any optical store and buying a regular pair of glass, but with the added benefit of all these tech features.

Ruth Even Haim: Yeah. So I have to say, when I looked... I'm a little bit obsessed with sunglasses. I wear them all the time and I have a lot of pairs. When I looked in your store, I was like, "Okay. These are definitely glasses I would wear." I would buy it regardless of the tech features. So I really liked the design. I think you guys did an amazing job there.

Harrison Gross: Yeah, thanks.

Ruth Even Haim: It's really like somewhere between a startup, a tech company and an e-commerce company, direct-to-consumer. How do you position yourself when it comes to these kind of things, to how you actually treat your customers and your product?

Harrison Gross: Well, it's interesting. We're a mass market. We also see direct-to-consumer as is really the most viable path for us in the sense that prescription glasses are a mass customized product. So having these individual relationships with the customers is really great because we can become their go-to eyewear provider for years, once they started using our product and adopting our products. So we have that, and e-commerce direct-to-consumer has always been our core business model, although we also are approaching main distribution into physical stores, really optical outlets. But with the direct-to-consumer, your margins are always better. You have more control over the customer journey and you're able to retain the customer. The customer stickiness is a lot higher when you sell to them directly through your website versus through Amazon or through another B2B channel or something like that, because you get all the customer information. You're able to send them newsletters. You're able to send them discounts and just keep them coming back to your store in the way that you can with it.

Ruth Even Haim: What would you say was the biggest challenge when actually creating this business? Like we said, it's a really tech-heavy business on the one hand. On the other hand, because it's direct-to-consumer, there's a lot of marketing involved. Yeah. So what was the biggest challenges for you when creating it?

Harrison Gross: So for us, it's multi... It's basically a dual challenge of developing product that people want in a space that's full of competing products that are kind of fall short in one way or another. The other challenge was marketing it, because vast majority of people have never tried any smart eyewear product. They never tried Google Glass or any sort of audio glass. Creating that need to upgrade and mind to the consumer to this new tech eyewear format, that's been the biggest challenge on the business side. Whereas on the internal side, there's that product development and finally getting to a product that people really want to wear all day. It has taken three years and essentially three lines of Bluetooth eyewear that developed before this that did okay in the market. We did a couple of limited runs and have a few thousand units of these previous products and people like them, but it wasn't ready for prime time.

Basically, what we learned from those, I wouldn't say non-successful, but those products that didn't make it all the way allowed us to then go ahead and create this product that does have that potential of going mainstream. So it's been an iterative process. Over the last three years, we've been testing and retesting and developing all of these different smart eyewear products. Finally, from what we've learned from all that, we've arrived at a great product, and now it's really mostly just that marketing challenge of getting the users to see that need to upgrade their eyewear.

Ruth Even Haim: You have a challenge of basically educating the consumers to tell them, "You need this, and this is why you're nervous," which arguably is one of the most difficult ways to market any kind of product, I think.

Harrison Gross: Yeah, it is. It is.

Ruth Even Haim: Yeah. Because from the point-

Harrison Gross: But it's necessary.

Ruth Even Haim: Yeah. So how do you approach a customer who in their mind it's like, "So I have my Bluetooth headphones and I have my sunglasses. Why do I need to merge the two?"

Harrison Gross: Well, we've been playing up a lot on the convenience factor of just having headphones and eyeglasses in one. So you don't need to carry headphones anymore. You don't need to worry about losing your AirPods. It's just an inherent convenience factor, no longer needing to have carry it or buy headphones. And then for those that already wear eyeglasses, we're able to give them this really competitive pricing compared to like, "Hey, if you're about to go order another pair of regular glasses, we can pretty much match that price and give you all these tech features." So that's been another aspect. We've really been trying to drive the brand story with influencers in basically in fitness, music and other related verticals. That's another challenge with the product, is that it really sits in so many different categories. It's a wearable. It's eyewear. It's tech. It's a hearable, like headphones. So, it's been a challenge for really define what it is. We basically cast it as like a lifestyle upgrade for people that wear sunglasses and eyeglasses.

Ruth Even Haim: Mm-hmm (affirmative). Yeah. It's also I think when we look forward where our world is going to, things are becoming more, not only audio-focused, but also visual. At some point, we're all going to have to step away from our phones, with augmented reality or virtual reality and the glasses can really come in handy in this kind of scenario where you have that.

Harrison Gross: Yeah, absolutely. I mean, what we're seeing right now is there are already billions of devices out there that have Siri or Google Voice enabled. So you have all of these voice-enabled devices out there. The voice AIs are getting stronger by the day to where it's easy to conceive, that five or 10 years from now, you could design a website with your voice, or you can do a complicated application with your voice. That's actually something we're working on too. We're actually doing a little bit of software as well, working on an app, a social app called Bird to further enhance the voice functionality of the glasses with the software platform that allows people to basically speak to each other and voice messages and start interesting conversations with people through their glasses. So, you definitely have this rise in voice AI because the voice is the easiest and most natural method of communication app. So we're going to see these Siris and these Google Voices get stronger over the years and more of, I think, a go-to computing method for people and the glasses are a great gateway to that.

Ruth Even Haim: Yeah, it makes me think of Clubhouse, which is getting a lot of traction lately-

Harrison Gross: Yeah, for sure. Sure.

Ruth Even Haim: Okay. So what would you say the main ways and channels are that you guys are marketing your product and promoting it?

Harrison Gross: Well, so everything is basically goes out through our Shopify store or Amazon FBA store. We do probably about a third of our volume on Amazon and then the other two-thirds through Shopify. Pretty much everything goes out through those two channels. We even process our wholesale orders through Shopify and it just makes it easier from an accounting perspective. And then we also have a crowdfunding on starting engine, which has been a huge driver of traffic to our website. What we're finding is that after people invest, they'll become a customer or vice versa. They'll become a customer. They like the product. They go on that and invest in the company. So we have these really interesting multiplex ties to our community that goes way beyond just selling them a product and calling it a day.

They have skin in the company, a lot of our customers. So they're invested in our success and vice versa. So it creates a really interesting community effect and one that has just built this core cadre of 5,000 people around the brand that are just heavily invested in it, physically or actually metaphorically invested. We also have a lot of affiliate programs as well, referral programs and things like that. So we have ways for people to get involved with the brands and use the brand to make money with our cash stream affiliate program. We have this interesting investment opportunity for those that want to invest in wearable startups. So, we really have this kind of like... There's depth to our customer experience that goes beyond just a checkout, that we want to build this community around the brand because that brand loyalty is, I think, very key to our survival in the future.

Of course, your Warby Parker's and your Luxottica's are going to come out with competing products in this category, but if we can really build that solid brand loyalty, that will allow the brand to persist for decades, theoretically, even decades. If you look at some brands like Vans or Supreme New York, they have no tech. They don't even have that great of designers, but they just have this core group of super loyal people to the brand. Under Armour is another good example. There's a couple of brands that just have this, because of whatever their unique flare or the combination of price and value that they offer or whatever it is, or in case of Supreme is sort of like luxury hard to get aspect of it. They're able to build this following that allowed them to persist theoretically decades beyond they should have, what they should have to go.

Ruth Even Haim: Yeah, I think it's also about the lifestyle. So when you see yourself, part of your identity is basically someone who uses this brand, then you're more likely to buy again and again and stay with it. So I think creating a community is probably the smartest thing today any brand can do to ensure its lifelong success. The problem is that it's not always easy. It's something that I think a lot of brands are struggling with.

Harrison Gross: Yeah, absolutely.

Ruth Even Haim: So can you share some of the ways that you guys are doing this? Are there any specific tactics that you've seen succeed or not really?

Harrison Gross: Well, like I said, the crowdfund has been the biggest driver, I think, of this community growth. It keeps popping out. Another thing that we do is we use a platform called Gleam, What that is, is essentially a contest that you can engineer to have the viewers of the contest take certain social actions in exchange for your shot at winning a free product or winning a gift card. So what we do is we run these Gleam contest every two weeks. We give away two free pairs of glasses and we drive using a few hundred dollars in Facebook ads. We'll drive people to the contest. At the end, what we is a few hundred new emails and we get usually 100 to 200 new Instagram followers every week, every two weeks. So that's something that we've been doing for a year.

So we had to recreate our Instagram because we had an issue with bots. We restarted it about six months ago and we're up to 2,500 followers just from the Gleam contest. So they're all people that are heavily interested in our products. Additionally, we've grown our email subscribers by a few thousand using this method. So the Gleam has been the most successful in terms of attracting sticky viewers to our newsletter and to our Instagram. Other than that, yeah, it's really been mostly the crowdfund because you have this follow on benefit of like, you spend all this money on ads driving people to invest in the crowdfund, but they end up trickling through to the website and converting, or they might not be interested in investing, but they'll go buy glasses and it just creates a huge amount of awareness.

Ruth Even Haim: Yeah. So the crowdfunding is basically the first step that you're directing people to, but they find out about you and if they're excited enough, they might invest.

Harrison Gross: Right.

Ruth Even Haim: Okay. So you mentioned email marketing and I'm just interested to hear a little bit about some of your favorite apps on Shopify that you're using right now, whatever it is going on marketing or other things in your store.

Harrison Gross: So, we use MailChimp. I've used Constant Contact and Klaviyo in the past. I think MailChimp is better for the price. I think we were getting charged like 200 a month for Klaviyo. And then they had one system error that caused the email to go out with major typo and I was like, "Yeah, that's it. That's it for me in Klaviyo." So we moved over to MailChimp. We also use a thing called PushOwl, which lets you send push notifications to visitors of the website. I think there are like 2,000 people that have signed up for push notifications. So as soon as they land on the site for the first time, it's like you can accept or decline. And then from then on, if you've accepted, we can send you direct messages for your browser, so regardless of what website you're on. So that's another thing that we do.

That app is very affordable. It's like 20 bucks a month and it's just another great way to get some recurring clicks and things like that. Yeah. And then we do the newsletter on MailChimp once a week, trying to go too hard with those. A lot of companies put them on every day, but I never liked seeing a message from a company every day in my mailbox. I'm sure most people don't.

Ruth Even Haim: It's a little spammy. Yeah.

Harrison Gross: Yeah. So we do once a week. We'll include a promotion, either review your product for $20 gift card or we have buy a pair for a friend, get 50 bucks off this week or we'll have a basic promotion like that. We'll do a roundup for all the latest influencer features and that's pretty much it. And then that'll go out and we get about... We've been doing really better so far with the newsletters because we've grown the subscribers so much, but we'll do 500 to 1,000 revenue just off the newsletter. We'll get 100 clicks out of that. So that's a really good value for us. We pay, I think, 100 a month for the MailChimp now or 75 a week. They also have a social media scheduler on MailChimp, which I think is an extra 25 a month.

Really? Okay.

Harrison Gross: You can clout out all your social posts for the coming months and things like that. So it's not perfect, but it's a nice system. And then it also has a thing where it'll auto-generate Facebook and Twitter posts links in the newsletter as well when you send that out. So you get a little bit social post out of it too. But yeah, I'm a fan of MailChimp. I think it's a good value. The question is how do you get people in to subscribe? One thing that a lot of companies do is they'll have a coupon pop-up on the name on the website where you enter your email and get the coupon. I'm not a fan of that so much. We'll do that sometimes using that top bar, you might see on We have the top purple bar that we can do different messages. There's also an email collection version of that bar. So we'll do that as a less obtrusive. We do have an investment pop-up right now, but that's just because we're running TV ads actually right now. So we want those people-

Ruth Even Haim: Cable TV?

Harrison Gross: Yeah, we're actually running cable TV ads right now, because with the crowdfund, we've been seeing a positive return on TV ads. So it's a little bit of a bigger buy-in, but the amount of exposure you get in a short amount of time is very high. For those startup colleagues out there that don't want to go and do a big cable buy, there's a service called Brandzooka, which lets you place ads in Hulu and streaming ads and do things like that with a pay-as-you-go model. So that's another thing. We haven't used that yet. I just found out about it and we're experimenting with it starting next week. So I'll report back and let you know how it goes with Brandzooka.

Ruth Even Haim: That's really interesting. The pay-per-click model is finally getting into TV, I mean, even though it’s…

Harrison Gross: Exactly.

Ruth Even Haim: Yeah.

Harrison Gross: Even with the cable ads, because of the set top box, the same as the internet box or something, it was actually tracking also on a cable ads now, so you can see if someone watched your ad and then went to your website and things like that. Obviously, it's much better with the Brandzooka, because I think with the Brandzooka ads, you can actually have... I don't know if you've ever seen those ads when you're streaming on your Fire stick and you could click for it to get a coupon during the ad. So there's TV ads like that now where you can actually use your Amazon remote to interact with the ad and get an email with a coupon or just go visit the website from your Fire stick.

So there's some really new, interesting things. We're just experimenting with those now, so I don't have too much data on how successful it is. But one thing about the new advertising mediums, TikTok is another good example, you usually get better pricing for click on the newer mediums because they're looking to grow their ad base and all of that. So TikTok is another thing that we're looking to break into, although it's a little bit harder, because you need that specific type of vertical content to go into TikTok ads, but that's something that we're looking at trying to just because the cost per click is a lot lower than Google or…

Ruth Even Haim: Yeah. But also, I think if you ever product that is very visual and cured between your product, it could become pretty viral on TikTok. It could be something that explodes. Yeah.

Harrison Gross: Yeah, that's the hope.

Ruth Even Haim: We've been running some TikTok ads too, even though our product is very... I mean, maybe TikTok is not the perfect crowd for this kind of product. It still works really well because like you said, the traffic is just cheaper. So it's just both testing it to see what comes off it. Yeah.

Harrison Gross: Yeah, that's what it comes down to, I think, is that taking advantage of those discounts. Primarily, almost all of our traffic comes from Facebook as of right now. Everything to the crowdfund to the website, almost all of this is Facebook and then we do some Amazon ads for the Amazon listing, but primarily Facebook has been the driver of all of our investments, all of our shop revenue and all that.

Ruth Even Haim: Okay. Interesting. Do you have any kind of organic traffic strengths?

Harrison Gross: Yeah, we do because of these community-building efforts and things like that. We do have that sort of core… But in terms of what brings new people, it's Facebook ads, the Gleam contest, Facebook ads, so the crowdfunds. This is our bread and butter right now. We're only seeing in the last couple of weeks that, okay, since we just started the cable ads, we're seeing those are performing a little better than Facebook, but it's also a lot riskier because the buy-in is higher. The first week we did it, I think we came back just one-to-one return, but now we're in a positive return after the initial learning from that first week. We're using a company called Havas, by the way, to do the TV buys just for reference for the audience.

Ruth Even Haim: Havas?

Harrison Gross: Yeah. H-A-V-A-S.

Ruth Even Haim: Okay. All right. You're the first person I've spoken to that does e-commerce that actually runs ads on TV, so this is really interesting and unique. I think, compared to what most people do, which is either Facebook or Google PPC.

Harrison Gross: Well, I think you have to have the foundation to support it. We have a national recognized brand ambassador, Richard Sherman. He's a football player. So he's front and center in those TV ads. So he's already a recognizable person for... Anybody that watches football and knows who he is, right? So we have that element of recognition already with that brand ambassador. And then we also have this deeper conversion that can happen with the crowdfund. Whereas with our product conversion, it's limited for 150 to $200 conversion, but the crowdfund that can go as deep as they want. So we're counting on those couple of deep investments to pick up the slack for all the rest.

So in a sense, if we were running the crowdfund, I probably wouldn't want to do the TV ads because the actual value of each conversion that we got off of it is theoretically capped out. Whereas if we invest it, it's much more open-ended. Somebody could come in and put down 5,000 or something. So I think we're more positioned to do... Per my research in the startup space, that seems to be the more common trend is that actively crowdfunding companies will think about running TV ads, but just regular D2C businesses aren't really doing that, because you do get a better return theoretically. But one-to-one per dollar spend, you're going to get more sales off of the Facebook ad probably, but just because of that, the differences with the crowdfund and stuff, it worked out.

Ruth Even Haim: Yeah. I mean, you're pretty much a single product store at the moment. Last time I saw you, you had two types of glasses. So I mean, there's only so much as far as customer retention goes that you can get when you're having a single product. So obviously, customer bought once, maybe they'll buy again if they want another pair, but they're not going to buy every week.

Harrison Gross: To begin with, glasses are a once every two year purchase mostly. What's a little bit different is that it's more of a fun product. So people might buy a second style for themselves. It is a very giftable items. A lot of people do buy it as a gift after they get their pair. So I think that we do a little bit better than once every two years. But yeah, it's still a protracted sales process. We actually have a pen and pad or glasses-as-a-service, which is what we're trying to do to address this, which is basically a pay-per-month glasses option. What we'll do is have a interchangeable front, so you can get a new front plate for your glasses, different lenses or different style every month for some de minimis fee. Yeah, so that's the one thing we're looking at doing to get that recurring revenue going.

Ruth Even Haim: That's good.

Harrison Gross: Also, with the app we're developing, that'll be another opportunity to get ongoing revenue from the customer as opposed to the once a year glasses purchase, but we're trying to address all those different things because we do see the value in recurring revenue too. It's the best business. The SaaS model is the best business model, and that's why we're seeing... Or that's just in my opinion. That's why we're-

Ruth Even Haim: No, my opinion too, definitely.

Harrison Gross: That's why Microsoft Word is now a SaaS, right? Photoshop is now a SaaS. Every other piece of software is a SaaS now. And so, GaaS, glasses-as-a-service, we see that as a potential future of the business.

Ruth Even Haim: I was wondering if you're calling it GaaS or not...

Harrison Gross: Yeah. But yeah, the customer pays $20 a month. They get their glasses upfront and they get a new front plate every month or two, so they can change the look of the glasses easily and affordably. We think that's a potential recurring revenue driver. So we had to get real creative to come up with that. For other businesses, especially for those inconsumables and other things that are more frequently purchase, I feel like you have easier ways of doing that. So you have those subscribe and save, kind of the thing Amazon does. If we were a regular retail store, we would have that 100%. You have other things for different types of product. Eyewear is a little bit unusual, so we had to get pull one out of the hat for return revenue. But yeah, that's interesting.

Ruth Even Haim: Yeah. But I think it's also something that builds itself. As you go along, you'll learn what people are maybe missing and what they might want to buy again in different ways and just learn how to create a subscription out of it, or even just some complimentary products or whatever it is. So we talked a little bit about retention, which leads me directly into your usage of ReConvert. So you install the app about two months ago, so you're relatively new users of the app, but I do want to hear a little bit about what made you install it, what were you looking to solve and how you're using it.

Harrison Gross: Well, originally, I was looking for something that was an upsell app while they're shopping, but this ended up being more interesting because I felt like that, the mid-sale upsell apps, it might bounce the customer because you're coming on kind of strong. There's already some stuff floating around our website. We have live chat. We have the rewards thing in the bottom corner. We have the messages on top. We have this investment pop. If you added in this other upsell pop-up, it was just going to get too overwhelming, I thought. And then we found ReConvert and I'm like, "Okay. This is interesting. It's close sale. It gives them this limited coupon."

Now, what we're seeing is that people will go buy the glasses. They get the ReConvert coupon and then they go back in and they buy some accessories with it. So, it's become this normal path of the customer journey. It seems to be working pretty interestingly well. We're seeing a pretty good number of customers coming back and making another purchase within five minutes, which is definitely something that we've never seen before. It seems to be working and definitely boosting sales by a real percentage. I don't know exactly what is that on top of my head, but it is helping increase revenues primarily by upselling the accessories.

Ruth Even Haim: So do you see people buying mostly accessories on the thank you page and not so much the actual glasses?

Harrison Gross: Yeah. Usually, it seems like not exclusively. I have seen some people go back and use the ReConvert coupon to buy a pair for a friend or whatever. But it seems like that's the most logical path, is that like, "Okay. I got my glasses. Oh, 25% off. All right, let me see what else is in the shop?" And then they go buy a shirt or extra lenses or something. So that's pretty much what we're seeing so far. So it's just a little bit extra sales for no extra work, so we're all in. Yeah.

Ruth Even Haim: Yeah. That's exactly the idea behind ReConvert, it's to help you maximize on any user that's coming in. You already invested in this customer. They already ideally returned the investment by making a purchase, and now you're just adding onto this purchase some extra revenue. So do you know to tell me what the widgets that are performing the best for you in ReConvert? I saw that you enabled the conversion monster template, which is what we recommend anyone using ReConvert to do because we already built it to really be optimized for conversions. But have you seen something that you can say, "Okay. This is the one that works the best"?

Harrison Gross: It's the temporary coupon. I'm not sure exactly how you call it.

Ruth Even Haim: The pop-up.

Harrison Gross: Yeah. After they purchased, they get that 25% off for a temporary window. I guess it's a few hours or something. I'm not sure exactly. My marketing officer actually set up the app so I've just been watching the results happily. But yeah, that seems to be what people get that 25% off coupon. They are generally just, I guess, just going through it and getting some accessories. I think it's because of the time restriction on it. It gives them that fear of missing out, because we send our promos all the time. People will use them sometimes. Sometimes people use them, sometimes people don't, but this is a promo that people use, I guess, because of that fear of missing out or because of the fact that they just purchased so they're still in buy mode a little bit on the website, I guess you could say.

So it keeps them on the website. Because anybody else, any other website, basically after you buy, you click out. As soon as you get that confirmation, you click out, you're done. This keeps them on the site. So that is the major difference, I think, between the other types of upsell apps and things like that that happened during the purchase process. This is actually prevents them from bouncing so quickly after they make their purchase, which is great because then they'll go do some other activities on the site or click some links, read the email, whatever.

Ruth Even Haim: Yeah, I think your story is a really good example of a high ticket item store. It's not the highest priced product, but it is high enough that people might not feel comfortable buying another one on the thank you page before they even got the last one. I think it's a really good example for anyone who is selling high ticket items that you just use this to really upsell on a subscription or a service or any kind of complimentary products and accessories. So it's great to see that it's working well for you. So I wanted to ask you about the birthdays, because I know that you're collecting birthdays with the birthday widget and you're using MailChimp. Have you sync the two because we do have an integration with them?

Harrison Gross: No, I wasn't aware of that. I thought the birthday thing was associated with our reward app, not the ReConvert app. That's a great idea. I'd love to send out a birthday coupon or a little gift card or something on the birthday. It's this a great idea.

Ruth Even Haim: Recommended. Very much recommended.

Harrison Gross: Yeah, we'll do. Let me write that down.

Ruth Even Haim: I think one last question as far as the ReConvert come is other than the converting widgets, have you seen any widget that you can say, "This is something that I love having," whatever it is, like the order tracking widget or the product comments or anything that generates data from the customers?

Harrison Gross: No. Again, we're still fairly new to the app, so I need more time myself to really explore everything that I can do, but I think just the way that it's set up post-purchase is absolutely right. You guys have really done it right. Even the way it shows the timer on the bottom, everything is geared towards getting that second sale and it's done so in a way that's friendly and really I think captures the customer attention. So I think you guys have done a bang up job and we'll definitely be using the app in the future.

Ruth Even Haim: Okay. Thank you so much for answering all of my questions and being...

Harrison Gross: Yeah, no problem.

Ruth Even Haim: to tell us a little bit about your business. Last question, before we hop off is what would be your number one tip for any entrepreneur beginning whatever it is in tech or in e-commerce?

Harrison Gross: Only even get started on some venture entrepreneurship or startup idea if you are 100% devoted and really believe that this is your shot at success. And then if you bring that energy to everything you do with that business, it will be successful. But if you have doubt or you're not really sure or if you're going to have the time to devote to it, just back way right now and just do something more normal with your time.

Ruth Even Haim: Yeah, that's the... Yeah.

Harrison Gross: Yeah, it's not a rational thing. Startups never work on paper. You really just have to really believe in yourself and in the idea and do whatever it takes to get there.

Ruth Even Haim: Yeah, I think it's a good point. You have to be prepared to work hard and long and maybe not succeed, and that's not something that everyone capable or willing of doing. That's a really good point. So again, thank you for joining us.

Harrison Gross: Yeah, it's my pleasure.

Ruth Even Haim: So I'm going to link down below any social profile in any way that you want people to connect with you.

Harrison Gross: Sure.

Ruth Even Haim: Good luck with Lucyd. I'm probably going to buy a pair for myself at some point.

Harrison Gross: Oh yeah, you should.

Ruth Even Haim: So, have a great day.

Harrison Gross: All right. Take care. Bye.

Ruth Even Haim: Bye-bye.



Ruth Even Haim:

Okay. So this is it as far as my interview with Harrison. I hope you guys learned something from his experience building Lucyd. I think they have a very interesting product as well as very interesting marketing tactics that not everyone uses. So I hope this was informative for all of you. If you are interested in getting a pair of these glasses for yourselves, we have a link with a discount down below that Harrison provided, especially for our viewers. Let us know in the comments if you have any questions or anything that you want to add to the conversation. We will see you in the next video. But before I go, do not forget to subscribe and hit the like button so we know that you liked this interview and we know to bring you more of this. I will see you in the next one. Have a great day!

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